
Showing posts from July, 2023

A case for Narrow - Purpose built LLM’s

The days of using weather as conversation starter seems to have long gone, at least within the tech circles. Generative AI has not only overtaken weather as the conversation starter but is often coming out to be the only conversation topic. Everyone wants to know what everyone else is building using Gen AI, what proof of concept (POC) are being considered etc. Large Language Model (LLM) names and their capabilities are talked with the excitement trailing even the Thanksgiving deals. Yet, a new report about Gen AI adoption and usage published last week seems to contradict this weather replacing hype. The report indicated a decrease in traffic to ChatGPT and other Gen AI services, for the first time in several months. This traffic report further showed that this decreasing trend was in both new traffic, as well as traffic from existing users of these Gen AI services. What might be causing this gap between the hype and the actual usage? When Gen AI opened for public, it was that shi...